Wednesday, May 27

ysabel gray

I'm currently enamored with the sculptural works of ysabel gray

The L.A.-based artist is being featured on juxtapoz online and has a upcoming solo show planned for September 2009.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from TBD Blog

Friday, May 15

Influx Curated

I'm planning on attending Influx Curated in San Francisco on June 11.

Ed Cotton has put together an impressive list of speakers such as Marieka van Der Poel, Paul Kim, Mark Barden, and Alex Madrigal and many more. The selected speakers have been asked to invite two friends and the list has now grown to 30 presenters including the likes of Jelly Helm and Doris Mitch.

The Influx Curated format borrows from the ignite and pecha kucha 5 minute(ish) time-frame. Currently trying not to daydream about it.

Would love to see you there.

Posted via email from cassondra's posterous

Wednesday, May 13

new search tools

twoogle combines google and twitter for side by side comparison of your queries.

scoopler is a real time search engine that techcrunch recently gave a thumbs up in their post on Real-Time Search-Off that compares new real-time search services one riot, tweetmeme with google, twitter search, friendfeed and scoopler.

And for the backstory on twitter trending topics, check out What The Trend? discovered via @thegirlriot. What The Trend has my vote for site of the moment. How else would I know who Adam Lambert is?


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Friday, May 8

Revolving Storefront

This week's pop up Mother's Day Shop is next month's wedding chapel.

"Thanks Mom" is open through Saturday, May 9 when it will shape shift into a meeting space for the North Brooklyn Public Art Commission on May 11.

303 Grand is a revolving storefront located in Brooklyn, New York. A variety of events have utilized the space since their opening in March 2009.  Street Attack, an alternative and digital marketing agency operates the revolving storefront.

You can keep up with 303 Grand efforts on their blog and/or follow them on twitter

Posted via email from TBD Blog

Thursday, May 7


"Everything You Want Right Now!"is the title of Steve Lambert's solo show at Charlie James Gallery in Los Angeles through June 6 more info and artwork at his website.

found via murketing

Which makes me think about J.J. Abrams Wired article on the power of mystery. Have you read it?

It will make you smile.

Posted via email from TBD Blog

Wednesday, May 6


Amelie director Jean-Pierre Jeunet and actress Audrey Tautou team up for this Chanel No. 5 spot. I love it simply for the nostalgic love of the film it conjures.

Posted via email from TBD Blog

Sunday, May 3

Ignite invites you to get on the mic!

Idea sharing is so 21st century.

If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks, techies and makers have been putting together Ignite nights to share their answers.

Ignite was started in Seattle in 2006 by Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis. Since then, cities such as Boulder, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia and Sydney have organized free community events.

The second IgniteBend  is scheduled for June 4 at the Tower Theatre.

Presentation submissions are now being accepted. Submissions may be as simple as a brief written explanation of your idea on the ignite bend website or they could take the form of a video. We encourage you to be imaginative and hack the format.

Nine presentations will be decided by online vote and an informal meet-up open to everyone to be scheduled for late May.

All selected presenters will receive an exclusive handmade mug from our sponsor Mug Revolution. Ignite Bend will be webcast live and archived thanks to our sponsors and good friends at Pinnacle Media.

Presentations may also be selected for inclusion in the O' Reilly Ignite Show which highlights a different talk from Ignites around the world for weekly broadcast at their site.

Do you want to get involved but feel a little shy about taking stage? We are looking for additional help to make this FREE community event happen. You can get involved by becoming a volunteer, sponsor or simply spread the good word amongst your social circle.

photo by Buck Heim

Posted via email from cassondra's posterous