Thursday, April 12


No one belongs here more than you:

This is the title of Miranda July's upcoming book. Here is the link to her website promoting the May 2007 release No one belongs here more than you

I am intrigued by Ms. July whose film Me and You and Everyone we know explores the desire to connect in a world of disconnects.

She is also part of a collective responsible for this website which prompts a diy approach to expression: learning to love you more Assignments are there for the taking. Here is a favorite line found on that site:
"The best art and writing is almost like an assignment; it is so vibrant that you feel compelled to make something in response. Suddenly it is clear what you have to do. For a brief moment it seems wonderfully easy to live and love and create breathtaking things."

Don't be surprised if you feel inspired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if her book is as good and original as her website i think i will like it very much.

can i borrow yours?