Friday, December 16

Supersized Cinema--Still not that good.

I insisted that Mas and I see KING KONG after reading a number of glorious reviews. The director Peter Jackson has done it again! exclaimed one critic. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Naomi Watts and Jack Black were the basis for Mas' agreement that we should hit the 16plex as quickly as possible. One hour into the movie I wondered what sort of spell Jackson has put on the critics. I was impatient to see KING KONG and annoyed with the other (far more) cartoonish characters. Finally, the plot arrived at Skull Island and the action began. This IS an action movie. In fact, all of the films strengths lie in the action sequences. The rest of the time I felt stuck in the sentimental last thirty minutes of Return of the King. But, the action is amazing and the creatures on Skull Island were so grotesque that I had to hide my eyes in a couple of scenes. KING KONG, the beast, is extraordinary. I wished for more viewing time with the creature and understood how Ann Darrow (Watts) felt compelled to be with the beast. Ultimately though, their relationship falls flat. Jackson knows how to make female characters appear radiant, but seems satisfied with them looking beautiful. The lack of depth in the characters results in the diminished impact of the film. It's like Jackson wants to fulfill all his boy fantasies of heroic action but he just can't figure out how to do it in a mature way. The most annoying thing about the movie is the ending statement made by Jack Black's character--"Beauty killed the Beast." His statement, like the movie itself, completely misses the point.


Anonymous said...

I am curious - what was the point that you felt was missed...

cassondra said...

Beauty killed the beast? KING KONG was destroyed by "civilized" man eager for profit by exploitation. As a straight up action movie, KING KONG succeeds. For me it failed at being anything more.

Anonymous said...

you know i really love the way you think... and i have to say that you definitely have a lot going on in yer head that you don't say in person...and that is kinda funny cuz you are very eloquent in yer blog postings (you can be eloquent in person - its jus that I haven't seen ya step out with it very much)... I am glad you are doing this...its been a pleasure to read ya :-)