Wednesday, April 12

An introduction

to my new friend...born in September of '05, wouldn't you know it? A Virgo. So far, he's not too fussy.
We've recently been getting acquantainted with brief outings east of town.

Persi, that's his name, is a true friend. He doesn't talk so much but when he does, he gets his point across.

Also, he makes you feel a little better about yourself. What once seemed impossible is now negotiated with ease.
Life has a way of making sense with Persi.


Anonymous said...

Wow I feel the same exact way. Just the one that makes me feel like that is the one Persi replaced. Oh by the way the pre Perci prowler is gonna do the ski to sea mountian bike leg. With me as its captain! Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

P.S I was gonna tell more directly but.... oh well.

cassondra said...

Panama, that's great...very happy for your ride!
p.s. this is pretty direct but my apologies for tardy call back. In a propes.

Anonymous said...

the silver fish is waiting to become acquainted

Anonymous said...

that totally sounds like code for something

cassondra said...

Yeah, something a little fishy slash